Praying for Your Mormon Friend

Does it seem that you are praying the same thing again and again? Do you want to pray more specifically--and biblically--for the salvation of your Mormon friends and loved ones?

Then return to the basics--the ABC's--and enrich your prayer life. Pray just one letter--or several letters--each day and confidently wait as the Lord moves in your loved one's life.

Pray that your Mormon friend will:

A llow the truth of God's Word to pierce his heart    (Hebrews 4:12)
B elieve the Bible is true and come to cherish its message    (Psalm 119:140)
C all upon the name of the Lord    (Acts 2:21)
D iscover the deceptions in Mormonism and reject any faulty rationalizations    (John 8:32)
E mbrace the truth that God loves him and can forgive any sin    (Romans 5:8)
F ix his eyes on Jesus, not on an organized religion    (Hebrews 12:2)
G ain courage to ask tough questions while being unwilling to settle for "pat answers"    (1 Corinthians 3:18)
H unger to know the truth and not rest until coming to know Christ    (Matthew 5:6)
I nvestigate LDS Church history and its teachings, using outside resources    (Acts 17:11)
J oyfully accept God's free gift of salvation    (Romans 6:23)
K now the peace that comes from the Lord    (Philippians 4:7)
L ove the Lord with his entire being: heart, soul, strength, and mind    (Luke 10:27)
M ake a concerted effort to read God's Word    (2 Peter 3:18)
N otice his deep need for God's intervention in his life and look to Him for answers    (2 Peter 3:18)
O bserve the presence of God as shown through His people    (1 Peter 2:12)
P lace his faith completely in Christ's atoning sacrifice and not in his own works    (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Q uiet his heart so that he may hear God    (Psalm 46:10)
R espond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, recognize that he is a sinner and in need of God's saving grace, and repent of his sins    (1 John 1:8-10)
S tand against the wiles of the adversary    (1 Peter 5:8-9)
T rust the Lord in every area: spiritual and temporal    (Proverbs 3:5-6)
U nderstand the witness of God's people as seeds are planted through spoken words, music, and media    (Matthew 13:8)
V iew areas of doubt as a chance to learn the truth and grow closer to God    (Psalm 86:11)
W elcome the Holy Spirit's teachings, allow the spiritual seeds to take root in his life, and turn from darkness to light    (Acts 26:18)
X -press his questions and his doubts to one who will show him God's truth    (2 Timothy 2:24-25)
Y earn for the assurance (forgiveness) that believers display    (1 Peter 1:3)
Z ero in on God's clear plan of salvation, that it is by His grace and His mercy we can be adopted into His family    (Romans 8:15)

May the Lord bless your intercession for your Mormon friend, and may He grant you the joy of soon welcoming this friend as a brother- or sister-in-Christ!